baldies: Jahnaé
name: Jahnaé
social media :@jah.keshee
How long have you been a self-proclaimed baldie?
I have been a self-proclaimed baldie since June 9th, 2018.
Did anyone inspire you to cut your hair? (include @ name if possible)
I simply inspired myself to cut it, honestly. I love doing things out of the ordinary & one day, I got up and decided I no longer wanted hair.
What made you decide to cut your hair?
I decided to cut my hair to turn a new leaf, to start something new, to be free. It was time for a new beginning in my life and my hair was just the start. I love the amount of freedom I have now! I keep telling myself, “grow it back,” but I just seem to constantly cut it shorter than before.
What reservations/fears did you have about cutting your hair?
I was not sure if my head was too big, or too small; however, I was never going to know.. unless I just did it!
How did you prepare yourself for your hair cut?
Essentially, there was no preparation. I knew I wanted my hair cut for months, but I was not expecting to sit in the chair and say, “just cut it all off as low as you can go.” I simply crossed my legs and read a book until I was able to look in the mirror.
What was your initial reaction to seeing yourself with short hair?
Before I decided to go bald, I had cut it shorter; however I still had hair. With that being said, I knew what I was going to look like, whether it was short or bald. All in all, I LOVED IT and could not stay out of the mirror!
Did cutting your hair symbolize anything to you?
Yes, it symbolized growth and change! I needed this for myself because I was going through a lot before I made the decision and once it was gone, it changed my entire everything!
Do you plan on ever growing your hair back out?
I NEVER want to grow my hair back lol. I constantly say, “eventually” but I do not think so.
Did cutting your hair hurt or help your self-confidence?
Cutting my hair definitely helped my self-confidence. It gave me a new groove, that extra pep in my step!
Do you regret your decision at all?
Not AT all, I honestly think.. individuals—women, especially, should cut their hair bald AT LEAST one time in their life. It is such an invigorating experience!