baldies: Destini McCrory
“I had finally lost the attachment to my hair and I was a new woman.”
name: Destini McCrory
social media: @xd3stini
How long have you been a self-proclaimed baldie?
I have been a baldie for almost a year. It took some time to accept it, but I’m glad to be where I am.
Did anyone inspire you to cut your hair? (include @ name if possible)
My mom, and @amandlastenberg inspired me to cut my hair.
What made you decide to cut your hair?
I cut my hair in the past, but not as short as I wanted. I hated my hair, the length, the color and my attachment. I wanted something new.
What reservations/fears did you have about cutting your hair?
I feared looking too “boyish” and “ugly.” I had heard so many comments about looking too much like a man.
How did you prepare yourself for your hair cut?
I bought hoops (lol) and I increased my confidence levels!
What was your initial reaction to seeing yourself with short hair?
I was so pleased with the results. I have never been so happy with my hair than the way it is now.
Did cutting your hair symbolize anything to you?
It symbolized a new beginning. I had finally lost the attachment to my hair and I was a new woman.
Do you plan on ever growing your hair back out?
No, I find myself more beautiful without hair, it allows my true beauty to show.
Did cutting your hair hurt or help your self-confidence?
Cutting my hair definitely help my self confidence. Without hair, there is nothing to hide, everything is on display.
Do you regret your decision at all?
Sometimes when I see the new braiding hairstyles I get a little sad that I can’t get them, but overall, no. I love being a baldie.