baldies: Daion Brewer
“...once I got the cut I was able to see the fully natural me.”
name: Daion Brewer
social media: Twitter: dbrew__ Ig: daionbrewer_ Sc: daionbrewer
How long have you been a self-proclaimed baldie?
What made you decide to cut your hair?
I've always hated to do my hair. I was natural so I would spend hours doing it just for it to frizz as soon as I stepped outside. My entire day was always ruined because of that. One day, I woke up and realized I didnt want it anymore lol. I asked my mom for her opinion and she pushed me even more to do it. I havent looked back since.
What reservations/fears did you have about cutting your hair?
I had not one bit of fear in me when I sat in that chair. I was more excited and anxious to see than anything.
How did you prepare yourself for your hair cut?
I think I skipped the preparation part lol. As soon as I got the idea, I went straight to the barber.
What was your initial reaction to seeing yourself with short hair?
I absolutely loved it! I couldn't stop looking in the mirror.
Do you plan on ever growing your hair back out?
Never! I'm scared to even see myself with hair again. As soon as my hair grow long enough to get a good grip, I rush to get it cut.
Did cutting your hair hurt or help your self confidence?
Cutting my hair helped my self confidence. My confidence has always been high, but once I got the cut I was able to see the fully natural me. I now feel bare and beautiful.
Do you regret your decision at all?
Not at all. It can honestly go down as one of the best decisions i've ever made.