baldies: Jamani

Nobody can tell my bald head ass anything
— Jamani

name: Jamani
social media: @Dollfacejamani

How long have you been a self-proclaimed baldie? 

4 years

Did anyone inspire you to cut your hair? (include @ name if possible)

no one inspired me it's just something i felt like doing

What made you decide to cut your hair? 

i had got into a fight so i shaved that side off then i just was like F it & went bald lol

What reservations/fears did you have about cutting your hair? 

i just didn't want my head to look super small

How did you prepare yourself for your hair cut? 

i just closed my eyes & knew that wether i hated or loved it i would make it poppin'

What was your initial reaction to seeing yourself with short hair?


Did cutting your hair symbolize anything to you?

it made me appreciate my face more like damn i got these big ass features lemme embrace it with no hair lol

Do you plan on ever growing your hair back out? 

i'm currently growing it just for my curls but i know i'll cut it again, i can't help it

Did cutting your hair hurt or help your self confidence?

HELP! nobody can tell my bald head ass anything

Do you regret your decision at all? 


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