baldies: Lauren

I think everyone woman should buzz her hair in her lifetime or do something drastic like a hair color change if you don’t want to shave it because of that liberation and freedom you feel.
— Lauren

name: Lauren
social media: @Isthatlrn

How long have you been a self-proclaimed baldie?

One year and counting

Did anyone inspire you to cut your hair? (include @ name if possible)

@celine_bernarts inspired me, she just looked so feminine and badass

What made you decide to cut your hair? 

To take back my identity and build my confidence. as a woman we are told that long hair is apart of femininity, but physical features don't necessarily make you feminine.

What reservations/fears did you have about cutting your hair? 

I felt I wouldn't be able to pull it off, people would question my sexuality and I would never find a boyfriend. Haha, but surprisingly I've had nothing but positive feedback. Especially about the shape of my head and how it's perfect for a buzzcut.

How did you prepare yourself for your hair cut? 

I sat with the decision for a few months. At the time my then boyfriend had a preference for long hair but I just always wanted to shave my head. So one day I went to my barber and he said he wouldn't do it unless I was absolutely sure and I wouldn't leave the shop until he buzzed it all off.

What was your initial reaction to seeing yourself with short hair?

I looked at myself and I was like omg what did I do? It was so different and I couldn't hide behind my hair anymore. But then I loved it, and even shocked of how good it looked. It was very liberating.

Did cutting your hair symbolize anything to you?

Yes. I felt like I finally became myself. I lived my life based on what others wanted and I was so unhappy. Especially after losing 160lbs, I just needed to feel like myself again, so buzzing all of my hair off was a big middle finger to all the people who wanted me to stay the same as well as to society who said I had to look a certain way.

Do you plan on ever growing your hair back out? 

Not now. I have tried but I honestly just love having my head buzzed. It's me, it's who I am.

Did cutting your hair hurt or help your self confidence?

It definitely helped my confidence. I hid behind my long hair, it's what I thought made me pretty, but I've grown to love my face and my big nose and the fact that I wear glasses. I love myself and I'm so confident in who I am now.

Do you regret your decision at all? 

Definitely not. I think everyone woman should buzz her hair in her lifetime or do something drastic like a hair color change if you don't want to shave it because of that liberation and freedom you feel.

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