baldies: Ralitsa Kaufman

name: Ralitsa Kaufman
social media: Instagram: @virgotheyounger

How long have you been a self-proclaimed baldie? 

6 months

Did anyone inspire you to cut your hair? (include @ name if possible)

One of my best friends Cyn (@sistabloom on instagram) has been bald for as long as I've known her. I'd wanted to cut my hair before, but seeing her shine the way she does really made me take that leap.

What made you decide to cut your hair?

I was in a bad spot with myself and was desperate to get rid of what I was feeling. My hair was in the way of everything, I was getting annoyed of dealing with it and decided to let it go.

What reservations/fears did you have about cutting your hair? 

None, it was entirely a spontaneous decision. I'd held back previously because I was still newly natural for the first time in my life and didn't want to let go of a year and a half worth of growth, but in the end it was easy to let go of it.

How did you prepare yourself for your hair cut? 

I was with my friend and she was actually the one who shaved it all off. It was entirely a spontaneous moment. She kept asking me if I was 100% sure about wanting to do it, it's funny looking back on it now.

What was your initial reaction to seeing yourself with short hair?

I was so excited!! I'd never seen myself completely bald. I took selfies immediately.

Did cutting your hair symbolize anything to you?

Letting go of all the frustration and anger and pain I'd been holding on to, especially the frustration I had surrounding my hair and the perceptions people held against me because of my hair.

Do you plan on ever growing your hair back out? 

I'm growing it out now, actually. I plan on keeping it short with the hopes of tapering my 'fro later on.

Did cutting your hair hurt or help your self confidence?

It definitely exposed my face in a way that I had never had it. I had to rediscover my angles and look at my face without my hair to hide behind it. It was a new concept I spent six months adjusting to.

Do you regret your decision at all? 

Not at all!

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