baldies: Zaria Linton-Lopez

Whenever I need a new start I cut my hair.
— Zaria

name: Zaria Linton-Lopez
social media: @ZariaLinton

How long have you been a self-proclaimed baldie? 

6 years

What made you decide to cut your hair? 

I just wanted a change. I was about 4 months into my freshman year in high school and that's around the time I had early signs of depression because I was bullied. It was a fresh new start.

What reservations/fears did you have about cutting your hair? 

That I wouldn't look right and that people would judge me harshly.

How did you prepare yourself for your hair cut? 

I just kept looking at pictures of celebrities with short hair and old photos of my mom with short hair and my mother's encouragement.

What was your initial reaction to seeing yourself with short hair?

I was so happy. I absolutely loved it and to this day it's the only decisions I never regret making.

Did cutting your hair symbolize anything to you?

It was freeing. Cutting my hair just makes me feel new. Whenever I need a new start I cut my hair.

Do you plan on ever growing your hair back out? 

I always say I do but then end up cutting it so who knows! Right now I'm growing out the curls and giving off at little TWA vibes and so far I don't plan on losing this style.

Did cutting your hair hurt or help your self confidence?

Helped it 100%. It's sexy. Being able to break hearts with little to no hair is so hot.

Do you regret your decision at all?

Never. Ever. Ever.

baldiesSydne BarardComment