baldies: Henriette

name: Henriette
social media: Instagram @heninitiy and @officialheninitiy , Facebook @heninitiy

How long have you been a self-proclaimed baldie? 

may 19 2016

What made you decide to cut your hair? 

I thought about it from time to time because i'm always up to try new things with my hair and i just don't like my 'normal' hair so i thought fuck it just cut it all off

What reservations/fears did you have about cutting your hair? 


How did you prepare yourself for your hair cut? 

i didn't. i just decided to do it and went to the hairdresser the same week

What was your initial reaction to seeing yourself with short hair?

i just thought wow that's it, that's me

Do you plan on ever growing your hair back out? 

maybe when I feel like it but not in the near future, i never had like really long hair so if i grow it out i probably will cut it again as soon it's shoulder length, growing hair just takes too damn long

Did cutting your hair hurt or help your self confidence?

it helped, because you gotta deal with people staring more and all that

Do you regret your decision at all? 


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