baldies: Akilah SP
“...cutting my hair majorly symbolises the moment I decided to stop letting my fears and other’s opinions limit me.”
name: Akilah SP
social media: IG: @KillahKilz
How long have you been a self-proclaimed baldie?
Since 5th May 2016
Did anyone inspire you to cut your hair?
I was inspired by all the gorgeous women featured on the IG page @TheCutLife
What made you decide to cut your hair?
I had considered cutting my hair for years, but was unsure. Then I was in the process of growing out a shaved side and I became increasingly impatient with the progress, so eventually decided it would be easier to cut it all off.
What reservations/fears did you have about cutting your hair?
I've always had quite long hair and people around me would often tell me I should never cut it - which held me back for a long time. Additionally, I genuinely wasn't sure whether short hair would suit me and was scared of making a decision I'd regret.
How did you prepare yourself for your hair cut?
It was a pretty impulsive decision in the end! After a bad hair day with my growing shaved side, I spent ALL night on @TheCutLife IG page obsessively trawling through the photos and trying to decide how short I actually wanted to go. When I woke up in the morning I felt so inspired that I literally grabbed a pair of scissors and started chopping away!
What was your initial reaction to seeing yourself with short hair?
My initial reaction was pretty strange, I was crying and laughing at the same time - I think I was extremely overwhelmed! However I also felt a very strong sense of liberation and empowerment. It was amazing.
Did cutting your hair symbolize anything to you?
Most definitely! To me, cutting my hair majorly symbolises the moment I decided to stop letting my fears and other's opinions limit me. It also taught me not to put so much value on my physical appearance, because really life goes on no matter what you look like!
Do you plan on ever growing your hair back out?
Honestly I loveeee my hair short, so I doubt I'll be growing it out anytime soon! However I have considered the idea of growing it long over 9 months if I ever become pregnant, out of curiosity more than anything else.
Did cutting your hair hurt or help your self confidence?
Cutting my hair helped my self confidence SO much. I no longer have that long hair to hide behind and my face is always exposed, so I was pretty much forced to own it! I think it's also enabled me to appreciate my facial features in a different way and often it's something that makes me stand out amongst others.
Do you regret your decision at all?
Not at all!