baldies: Imeirah Page
“For me, cutting my hair symbolized freedom.”
name: Imeirah Page
social media: @meirahhxx (twit) (ig)
How long have you been a self-proclaimed baldie?
July 27, 2016
Did anyone inspire you to cut your hair? (include @ name if possible)
What made you decide to cut your hair?
I've been natural my whole life. Never had a perm or any other chemical treatment, but my hair was broken from getting it pressed every two weeks when I was younger. I did a mini big chop in August 2012 and had been learning my hair ever since. Despite the amount of growth I had over the course of 4 years, my hair still suffered from a lot of heat damage. Towards the end of my freshman year at Howard I would look in the mirror and feel a sense of disappointment. My hair had no elasticity, no volume, no life. I hated doing my hair and became obsessed with getting it cut and colored. I've always liked finger waves anyway, so here was my chance. Though I'm not completely bald, having hair this short is very very new to me.
What reservations/fears did you have about cutting your hair?
Yes! Because I've never had hair shorter than my shoulder my entire life. I also never had color in my hair, let alone bleaching it. What if my head was too big. What if after cutting all/most of the damage my curl pattern/hair texture wasn't what I thought it would be. What if I didn't know how to take care of my hair in this short state. So many reservations were floating through my mind, but I wanted change.
How did you prepare yourself for your hair cut?
Honestly lots of research. I watched a lot of YouTube videos, found myself stalking the Cut Life Instagram page. Just making sure this was exactly what I wanted to do.
What was your initial reaction to seeing yourself with short hair?
Before the color came, I was looking like "bro, wtf did you just do?!" But after that blonde was on it, I felt like a badass. I felt brave, bold, and bald.
Did cutting your hair symbolize anything to you?
For me, cutting my hair symbolized freedom. My entire life, I've been my family's little personal "golden child." I made honor roll my entire life. Played various sports. Obedient. Just good, ya know? When I got to school I had times to be alone and really reflect on the person I want to be. Turns out, that Meirah and the Meirah my family knows are two completely different people. I felt very restrained this summer by all their expectations and feelings toward the person I'm growing into. So I cut my hair to prove to them and mostly myself that I am growing. I am bold and most importantly I am confident enough to love the person I am becoming unapologetically.
Do you plan on ever growing your hair back out?
Of course, I can't wait to have an Afro full of bouncy curls but I think I'll stay with the color and cut for a while now. I've noticed my taper growing out already, when you have short hair you really notice how much it grows.
Did cutting your hair hurt or help your self confidence?
Complete confidence booster.
Do you regret your decision at all?
Not one bit.